Agile Taichung Meetup 2017 六月份聚會 Code Smells and Refactoring


Code Smells and Refactoring 程式味道與重構

Maintainable software is one of the main contributors for making business capable of responding to change. Like a garden without care, the nature of software development leads to code decay. If sponsors are paying developers to deliver value, what can we do to avoid this decay? 

In this talk and demo, I will share the impact of unmaintainable software, and how code smells & refactoring skills help dealing with it.

可維護的軟體是使商業可以回應改變的重要因素之一. 就像未經照顧的花園, 軟體開發的本質就是程式會愈趨腐壞. 如果出資者的目的是讓開發者交付價值,我們能做些什麼來防止程式的腐壞呢?
在這個分享和demo中, 我會分享沒有維護的程式會造成的影響, 以及如何利用程式味道和重構技巧來處理程式的維護.




Stanly is a software development coach in Odd-e, helping companies to grow self-managing teams and technical practices. He grew up in Singapore and started programming professionally since ten years ago. He has a deep interest in helping developers to increase their competence in technical skills and has spent many years mentoring teams. He is also the early founders of Agile community in Singapore and organiser of the Agile Singapore conferences.

Stanly 是一個Odd-e的軟體開發教練, 協助企業發展自我管理團對及技術實作. 他生長於新加坡並於十年前開始專業的程式生涯. 他對於協助developers增加技術競爭力有高度的興趣而且也有多年帶領團隊的經驗. 他也是新加坡敏捷社群的早期創立者以及敏捷研討會的組織者之一.




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Agile Taichung 是一群對Agile技術有興趣或是狂熱的人所組成,期待藉由經驗分享和技術交流與讀書心得討論,來讓台中區域軟體開發能更進步,工作能更快樂。

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微程式 夢種子



微程式/夢種子 / 407台中市西屯區河南路二段262號14F

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price

2017/06/05 12:00(+0800) ~ 2017/06/19 00:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
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